"Who Am I?" is a captivating story about a child’s adventure with their shadow, teaching kids about how shadows work and their magical appearance in light. This engaging tale combines...
My Homeland, My Blossom is a touching story about a little girl who collects soil from every city she visits in her homeland to grow a beautiful flower. This charming...
Discover Nizar the Referee, a heartwarming story about Nizar, a child with special needs who can't run to play soccer with his friends.This touching tale shows how he finds a...
Discover The Adventures of My Drawing Brush, a captivating story where a playful brush embarks on a vibrant journey with colors. This delightful book inspires children's creativity and encourages exploration...
Join Saad on a fun adventure as he repeatedly misplaces his slippers, turning his search into an engaging family quest. Features and Benefits: Engaging Plot: Captures children’s attention with a...
My Mischievous Doll is an engaging story that follows the adventures of a doll causing chaos around the house. Through this playful tale, children learn valuable lessons about safety and...
Miss You, My Homeland is a touching story that helps children understand the deep connection they have with their homeland. This beautifully illustrated book highlights the beauty and significance of...
Story Bed is a magical storybook about Ammar, who turns his sister Raghad’s dreams into reality by creating a bed made of stories. This enchanting tale celebrates imagination and family...
Hebah's Story Day is a heartwarming tale about a young girl named Hebah who is saddened by her incomplete story.With her mother’s encouragement, she embarks on a creative adventure to...
I Wish I Were an Apple is a charming story that follows a child’s whimsical dream of becoming a fruit.With the help of healthy eating, exercise, and a supportive mom,...
My New Neighbor follows the delightful story of a young girl welcoming her new neighbor, a granddaughter moving in with her grandmother. This heartwarming tale explores themes of friendship and...
In The Bottle a bottle's journey begins with a startling escape and leads to an uncertain future. This captivating story explores themes of change and adventure, making it an engaging...
Pumpkin in the City follows the charming journey of a lovable pumpkin as it travels from the countryside to the bustling city. This whimsical storybook is perfect for sparking curiosity...
Attack Among the Stars takes children on a fantastical journey through a dreamlike world where stars come alive. This enchanting bedtime story blends adventure and imagination, perfect for sparking curiosity...
Explore The Flower Seller, where a magical florist’s flowers have their own enchanting stories. Perfect for sparking imagination and captivating young readers with its whimsical charm. Features and Benefits: Magical...
I Am Upset with You invites children into the imaginative world of twins Jidya and Maryam, who draw inspiration from their ingenious inventor grandfather. This engaging story blends creativity and...
Immerse your child in I Am Not Afraid of the Dark, a captivating bedtime story that turns nighttime into an adventure. This enchanting book offers a comforting tale for children...
Dive into The Envious Flower, a delightful story about a flower that envies its neighbors and learns valuable lessons along the way. Perfect for young readers, this tale explores themes...
Discover The Helpful Herb, where a herb in a vibrant field learns its true worth through an enchanting adventure. Ideal for young readers to enjoy and learn. Features and Benefits:...
The Troublemakers Story is a captivating tale that helps children aged 3-8 understand the importance of polite behavior and road safety. Through engaging and relatable scenarios, this story guides kids...
Nora’s Award Story engages children aged 3-8 with important lessons about respecting parents, maintaining cleanliness, studying, and honoring guests. This captivating story delivers essential values through a relatable and fun...
The Kind Bird Story is designed to teach children aged 3-8 about polite behavior, road safety, and helping others. Through engaging, real-life scenarios and simple language, this story encourages positive...
Princess Ghufran introduces children ages 3-8 to essential values such as respect, loyalty , and community engagement through engaging short stories. This book combines charming tales with important life lessons,...
The Goal engages children ages 3-8 with short, impactful stories that teach essential values like cooperation, honesty, and kindness. Through relatable tales, this book helps children understand the importance of...