Meet Brave Zihlef, the heroic turtle who comes to the rescue in this heartwarming story. When her little siblings find themselves in danger, Zihlef steps up with bravery and determination...
Join Reem and her friends in School Cafeteria Frenzy, an exciting story about their creative efforts to manage the rising food prices at their school cafeteria. When the cost of...
Introduce your child to the importance of healthy habits with Nasreen's Health Diary. This engaging book from the My Health series teaches kids about proper dental care, personal hygiene, vaccination,...
Maha Learns to Help Herself is a delightful addition to the In the Street series, focusing on teaching children polite social behavior and road safety. Through engaging and realistic story...
Introduce your child to the values of trust, cooperation, and honesty with Maher Trusts Others. This engaging book features short, realistic stories designed to teach essential life lessons about helping those...
Embark on a courageous journey with Conquering the Fear Monster! Follow a young hero as they tackle various fears, from multiplication tables and shopping to music lessons and scary movies....
Dive into the humorous world of The Joy of Laziness! Follow the adventures of a child who dreams of escaping schoolwork to enjoy exciting museum trips and book fairs all...
Discover the joys and challenges of school life with Who's Ringing the School Bell? Follow Khalid as he navigates his love for soccer classroom activities, and snowy holidays, all while...
Explore the journey of growing up with We’re Not Little Anymore. This beautifully illustrated book captures the essence of transitioning from childhood to the next stages of life. With engaging...
Discover the heartwarming tale of The Beauty of Love! This delightful book captures the essence of love and kindness through engaging stories and vibrant illustrations. Perfect for young readers, it teaches...
Celebrate the joy of friendship with The Beauty of Friendship! This charming book follows the adventures of young friends as they discover the true meaning of companionship and support. Perfect for...
Embark on an eco-adventure with Who Will Mend the Ozone Layer? When Professor Khuroum's Sock abandons his research, it's up to Spoon to step in and save the world! Join Spoon...
Join the adventurous Spoon as he embarks on a thrilling detective journey in The Recipe That Reverses the World. With the help of Professor Khuroum's Sock, Spoon uncovers a mysterious...
Join Hassan, the eldest son in his family, on a delightful summer adventure with Hassan’s Diary. As he spends his vacation in the countryside with his grandfather, Hassan captures every...
Explore the concept of sacrifice with Who Said Sacrifice is Hard? This engaging story guides young readers through the valuable lessons of sacrifice and selflessness Perfect for teaching children about the...
Discover the delightful journey of a young girl who starts writing her diary while enjoying a happy childhood on a farm. Museum on the Farm takes children on a charming...
Join Lulwa as she turns her love for dogs into a rewarding venture! In Lulwa’s Dream,Lulwa enjoys taking her furry friend, Shimo, on adventures and discovers how she can transform...
Dive into the vibrant world of Danna, a spirited girl who loves competing with her friend Saleem in thrilling running races! When she notices her classmates indulging in fast food,...
In Never Give Up: You Will Succeed!, young readers embark on an inspiring journey with characters who face challenges and persevere through difficulties. This uplifting story encourages children to remain determined...
Discover the joy of commitment with Stay Committed, Stay Happy! This inspiring story follows young readers on a journey with a dedicated character who learns the happiness that comes from...
Embark on an exhilarating journey with Maysa in Cleopatra's Secret Adventure! Transported back to ancient Alexandria, Maysa uses her magical watch to help young Cleopatra recover a lost scroll and...
Introducing The Peacock and the Blackbird, a touching story that explores a child's desire for acceptance and the obstacles they may face. Set in a vibrant forest, this book delves...
Immerse your child in Two Sisters Embrace in Space, a touching story about two clouds that come together to spread joy across the world.This beautifully illustrated book encourages children to...
Dive into Sanan’s Cutting Teeth, a heartwarming story about a rabbit whose sharp teeth cause unintentional trouble. This engaging tale teaches children how to turn challenges into opportunities, showing that even...