Uncle Sami, a quirky and free-spirited man, has returned from a long journey. With his peculiar hairstyle and colorful clothes, Uncle Sami seems like a character straight out of a fairytale!
But behind this eccentric look lies a kind heart and a mind full of creative ideas. Because he's never married, his parents decide to find him a suitable bride, and they entrust this challenging task to their grandson, Nataat.
What will happen when Nataat’s bustling world collides with Uncle Sami's eccentric one? Will Nataat find the perfect bride for his uncle? Join us on this fun-filled adventure filled with surprises to find out!
Product Features:
Unique and endearing characters: You'll fall in love with the quirky Uncle Sami and the clever boy, Nataat.
A captivating and adventurous tale: This story will spark your child's imagination and keep them eager to turn the page.
Engaging illustrations and vibrant colors: Reading becomes a fun and enjoyable experience.
Positive values: Helps your child appreciate differences, cooperation, and the pursuit of happiness.
Simple and easy-to-understand language: Suitable for children of all ages.
Realistic situations: Helps children understand family relationships and develop their communication skills.
Book Specifications:
Age group: Suitable for children aged 6 and above.
Type: Children's picture book.
Dimensions: 18*25 cm
Number of pages: 32 pages
Language: Arabic in a simple and easy-to-understand style.
The story of Nataat and Uncle Sami will transport your child to a world of fun and adventure, helping them develop their language skills, imagination, and instill positive values that will last a lifetime.
Order your copy now and enjoy a delightful reading experience!