Dive into the enchanting world of The Adventures of Cat Habous, a delightful series filled with thrilling adventures that explore themes of friendship, cooperation, and bravery. These captivating stories, complemented by...
Delight your little ones with Touch and Feel - Fruits, a thoughtfully curated set of fruit figures that provide a unique and enjoyable sensory experience. Designed to engage children’s curiosity, this...
Introduce your little ones to the enchanting world of animals with Touch and Feel - My Beloved Animals! Carefully selected to provide a unique and enjoyable sensory experience, these animal figures...
Introduce your little ones to the fascinating world of animals with Touch and Feel - My Animal Friends! Carefully selected animals provide young children with a unique and enjoyable sensory experience....
Explore the Farm Animals Sensory Puzzle Cards! This interactive set features textured cards that mimic farm animals, helping kids learn their names and spellings through sensory play. Ideal for ages...
Enhance your child’s language skills with the Sentence Spelling Puzzle Game! This interactive game allows kids to form sentences using puzzle pieces while developing their logical thinking by matching sentences with...
Introduce your child to essential life skills with the Shoe Lacing Skills Development Game! This engaging activity helps kids master fine motor skills by coloring shoe cards and lacing through...
Unlock your child's learning potential with the Opposites Matching Game! This interactive game features colorful images of different words, encouraging kids to match opposing concepts to complete the puzzle. It’s a...
Unlock your child's creativity and fine motor skills with the Creative Skills with Threading Activity Set! This engaging activity teaches children how to skillfully thread cards and improve their manual...
Join Farah in Farah's Birthday, a delightful tale that captures the joy of celebrating a birthday while learning an important lesson about individuality. When Farah struggles to play in her...
Discover I Am My Amazing Mom's Kid, a delightful story that captures the humorous and relatable struggles of childhood. Follow the young protagonist as they navigate the expectations of being...
Explore Oh, the Grown-Ups! where young readers dive into the amusing world of family expectations. Join the protagonist as they navigate the differing dreams of their parents, grandparents, and the...
Dive into Oh, the Overload of Homework! where Reem and her classmates tackle the endless stream of homework that drives them crazy. This engaging story follows their creative quest to...
Meet Momo, the extraordinary cow with multiple talents! In Momo the Multi-Talented Cow, children will embark on an exciting adventure to discover all the amazing things Momo can do. This...
Join Amjad in Amjad and the Professions, a thought-provoking story that challenges the idea of which professions are most important. Through his experiences, Amjad learns that every job has value...
Discover The Cloud That Became Snow, a thought-provoking story that explores the differences between adult interpretations and children's thoughts. Follow Samer on his journey as he navigates these perspectives, offering...
Discover Salma's Treasures, a captivating story that fuels children's curiosity and desire for knowledge. This enchanting tale encourages young readers to learn and explore, guiding them toward a wealth of...
Dive into Bread and Moon, a captivating tale designed to deepen children's understanding of empathy and compassion for those in need, even if they are far away. This enchanting story...
Join Farah in Farah Cleans Her Room a delightful story about a little girl who loves to play with her toys but finds her room in disarray. As she learns...
Explore the enchanting tale of Green Worm, where a little worm transforms into a beautiful butterfly. This delightful story introduces children to the scientific fact that stunning butterflies begin their...
Discover My First Teacher, a delightful story that celebrates a child's curiosity and wonder about the world around them. This engaging tale harnesses children's questions and amazement to foster their...
Discover Why the Orange Tree Cried, a touching tale that explores the emotions surrounding mistakes and unintentional harm. This engaging story guides children through the important choices of acknowledging errors,...
Discover A Space for All Creatures,"a captivating story that ignites a sense of sharing and the importance of respecting others' rights to a free life. Set in a magical atmosphere,...
Join the adventure in Rabbit Walking, where a curious rabbit explores the world around him. This engaging story captures the excitement of discovery as the rabbit hops through fields and...