Introducing The Peacock and the Blackbird, a touching story that explores a child's desire for acceptance and the obstacles they may face. Set in a vibrant forest, this book delves...
Discover the charming story of The Pessimistic Frog, a tale that follows a frog who always anticipates misfortune. Will this little frog’s gloomy outlook change, or will he continue to...
Explore the Arabic alphabet with " The Planet Of Arabic Letters Game " a dynamic educational tool designed to teach children aged three and over the Arabic letters in an...
The Princess's Horse is an enchanting storybook that takes young readers on a magical journey with Princess Annie and her extraordinary horse. With 128 pages of captivating storytelling, this book...
Discover the enchanting world of Robotime's 3D wooden puzzle and DIY craft kits, where craftsmanship meets innovation. Each kit offers a delightful journey into mechanical marvels and musical artistry. With...
Vacation time is long and it is very important for our children to spend quality time away from TV and iPad and have fun while playing. And there is nothing...
Join the adventurous Spoon as he embarks on a thrilling detective journey in The Recipe That Reverses the World. With the help of Professor Khuroum's Sock, Spoon uncovers a mysterious...
Explore The Ring Mystery, a captivating Baghdadi folk tale where deceit and cleverness reveal the secret of a mysterious ring. This beautifully illustrated story blends fantasy with moral lessons for...
The Sad Room is a captivating educational book designed for children aged 3-8, focusing on important social values like politeness, listening skills, and loyalty. Through engaging short stories, this book...
The School Dictionary ... is an essential educational resource, offering over 750 meticulously selected terms. What sets this dictionary apart is its dual presentation format, which enhances accessibility and learning...
Experience The Secret of Flying, where Saif and Ameera become pigeons and uncover a hidden secret in a vibrant, imagination-sparking adventure. Features and Benefits: Magical Adventure: Engages children with a whimsical...
The Secrets Of Animals - Educational Game ... is designed to offer children a scientific exploration of the animal kingdom through an engaging interactive game. This game educates children about...
Discover the delightful story of The Sheep Doesn't Want Water, where young Maha wonders why she asked her grandmother for water when she was hungry, and what that has to...
The Short-Tailed Fish is a charming storybook for children aged 3-8 that follows the adventures of a unique fish with a short tail. This engaging book offers a delightful narrative...
Dive into auditory learning with " The Sounds Of Animals - Educational Flash Cards For Kids " These cards are designed to enhance sensory development and cultural knowledge, offering a...
The Special Outing offers kids aged 3-8 an engaging adventure that teaches social skills and the joy of exploration. Features and Benefits: Teaches Social Skills: Encourages positive behaviors and interactions...
Discover the thrilling tale of The Sphinx's Revenge, a captivating story that takes young readers on a journey through ancient Egypt. As Pharaoh faces a mysterious challenge from the enigmatic...
Unleash the adventurer in your child with The Stolen Treasure! Follow the story of Princess Faqida, Hemmam, and their friends as they embark on an exciting quest to find the...
The Stubborn Cat is a charming children's book perfect for ages 3-8. This engaging story features a cat with a strong will, captivating young readers with its colorful illustrations and...
The Tale of the Pen in the Land is an enchanting storybook that captivates young readers with its imaginative tale and vibrant illustrations. Designed for children aged 3-8, it offers...
" The Thing And Its Opposite - Part 1 " offers an inventive way to engage children in language learning by merging a fun game with educational content. This interactive...
Join Fadel, Adel, and Dhaki on an exciting secret trip to Istanbul in The Three Adventurers. Ideal for kids ages 3-8, this book sparks imagination and explores the joys of...
Join the adventure in The Tiger Learns About Recycling, a delightful story where friends gather at the tiger's home and discover the importance of recycling. As they clean up after...
The Traveling Bus offers an engaging story filled with fun adventures and important lessons, captivating young readers and sparking their imagination. Features and Benefits: Engaging Storyline: Captivates children with a...