Trapped Agents delivers a thrilling Halloween mystery as the mayor's party is endangered by a gang of criminals. Follow the brave heroes as they work to save the party from...
Little Policeman follows Marwan, an energetic boy who loves pretending to be a police officer. Join him as he aids the police in catching a thief who sneaks into his...
Greedy Wolf is an engaging story that teaches children valuable lessons about moderation and the consequences of greed. Features and Benefits: Engaging Storyline: Captivates children with an entertaining tale that...
The Good Man and the Dog tells the heartwarming story of a traveler who saves a thirsty dog during his desert journey, teaching valuable lessons about kindness and compassion. Features...
The Lion and the Mouse tells a touching story of friendship, where a small mouse helps a lion escape from danger, demonstrating the power of kindness and cooperation. Ideal for...
The Chicken and the Wheat Ear tells the story of a chicken who plants a wheat ear and seeks help from her animal friends. When they don’t respond, she learns...
Super Monster Adventure captivates young readers with its thrilling story and imaginative characters, offering both fun and valuable lessons. Features and Benefits: Engaging Storyline: Captures children’s attention with a thrilling...
Fun Crafts sparks creativity and enhances fine motor skills through engaging craft projects, ideal for young learners. Features and Benefits: Stimulates Creativity: Offers a variety of craft projects that encourage...
The Traveling Bus offers an engaging story filled with fun adventures and important lessons, captivating young readers and sparking their imagination. Features and Benefits: Engaging Storyline: Captivates children with a...
The Special Outing offers kids aged 3-8 an engaging adventure that teaches social skills and the joy of exploration. Features and Benefits: Teaches Social Skills: Encourages positive behaviors and interactions...
At Grandpa’s Farm teaches kids aged 3-8 about exercise, plant care, animal kindness, and environmental protection through a delightful story. Features and Benefits: Teaches Practical Lessons: Covers essential topics like...
Faris the Brave teaches children essential values such as respecting parents and maintaining cleanliness through an engaging and delightful story, perfect for ages 3-8. Features and Benefits: Teaches Essential Values:...
Different but United teaches kids the importance of respecting differences and working together through an engaging and relatable story, perfect for ages 3-8. Features and Benefits: Promotes Understanding: Encourages embracing...
Colorful Spots teaches kids essential values like respect, cleanliness, and kindness through an engaging story, perfect for ages 3-8. Features and Benefits: Teaches Core Values: Covers themes such as respect...
Teach kids values like cooperation and empathy with Grandmother's Tales, featuring engaging stories for ages 3-8, perfect for home and classroom use. Features and Benefits: Promotes Key Values: Encourages cooperation,...
Samir's Bike’ teaches children valuable lessons on cooperation, tolerance, honesty, and empathy. Through engaging stories and simple, relatable content, this book helps kids understand the importance of helping others and...
City Lungs’ introduces kids to important lessons about physical activity, caring for plants and animals, conserving water, and protecting the environment. With engaging illustrations and practical tips, it makes learning...
Message from a Lice uses engaging stories and illustrations to teach kids important health habits. Perfect for introducing concepts like personal hygiene and healthy living in a fun, memorable way....
Clean Screen Hero turns hygiene into fun with lively stories and bright illustrations, teaching kids essential habits like brushing teeth and healthy eating. Features and Benefits: Engaging Stories: Fun tales...
Classroom Collection: Mouth and Ears offers engaging stories that teach essential social skills and values in a fun, memorable way. Ideal for young learners. Features and Benefits: Engaging Stories: Captivates...
Basel Sings offers engaging stories that teach kids essential values like respect and loyalty. This delightful book encourages a love for reading and promotes important social skills. Features and Benefits:...
Discover Growing Faith - Part 2 is a vibrant, child-friendly book that inspires a love for worship through engaging illustrations and easy-to-follow content. It teaches essential practices like purity, prayer,...
Join Reem in Inventive Minds, a captivating story where her brilliant ideas lead her to an exciting invention competition. Despite a sudden memory loss, Reem's journey is filled with creativity...
Explore Got 100% and Lost My Mind, a whimsical tale where Reem aces her exam and embarks on imaginative adventures, perfect for kids aged 3-8. Features and Benefits: Engaging Storyline:...