Discover The Day of Fantasy Tales, a charming hardcover where Ziena’s butterfly dream sparks a magical adventure with a frog, perfect for fostering creativity and emotional growth in children. Features...
My Chicken Does Not Lay Eggs is a charming paperback that shows a child's journey from drawing a chicken to appreciating the true beauty of real-life creations, teaching gratitude for...
A A I Am Reem is a touching story of Reem, a girl who overcomes stuttering and reading challenges with the help of her colorful birds, teaching children about perseverance...
Discover the magic of self-acceptance with I Want A Wooden Donkey, a captivating story of a wooden donkey’s journey to self-worth and confidence. Features and Benefits: Boosts Self-Confidence: Helps children embrace...
Experience The Secret of Flying, where Saif and Ameera become pigeons and uncover a hidden secret in a vibrant, imagination-sparking adventure. Features and Benefits: Magical Adventure: Engages children with a whimsical...
Explore The Ring Mystery, a captivating Baghdadi folk tale where deceit and cleverness reveal the secret of a mysterious ring. This beautifully illustrated story blends fantasy with moral lessons for...
A School in the Kitchen is a heartwarming story of a boy who, finding solace in kitchen utensils after leaving school, discovers hope and inspiration through imaginative storytelling and vivid...
The Doll Doctor features Majid becoming a doctor to heal his injured doll, blending imagination with reality and sparking creativity through a captivating story and illustrations. Features and Benefits: Educational...
Diaries of Farah is a beautifully illustrated story about a courageous girl who finds comfort and strength through her writing during challenging times of family separation. This engaging tale not...
Introduce your child to essential values with I Hate For Others As What I Hate For Myself. This charming book for ages 3 to 8 teaches empathy and kindness through...
Discover I Love For Others As What I Love For Myself, a charming book for ages 3 to 8 that teaches kindness and cooperation through engaging stories and lovable characters....
Explore Two Minds in Sarhan's Head, a captivating book for kids that teaches valuable lessons about self-reliance through Sarhan's struggle between action and laziness. Features and Benefits: Educational and Motivational: Helps...
Discover Who Made The Ship? – a delightful book for ages 3 to 8 that teaches children about the blessings from God in everyday items. Through engaging stories, kids learn...
Join Noor, a curious girl from Dubai, as she explores UAE’s landmarks in Noor Does Not Get Angry. This engaging book offers a fun, educational tour of the country’s cultural...
Did You Guess It? is a fun-filled book with riddles and puzzles that enhance critical thinking and cognitive skills while making learning enjoyable through rhythmic text and interactive challenges. Features...
Mounir and Amir's Bicycle is a touching tale that teaches children about empathy and generosity through Amir's new bicycle and Mounir's feelings of envy. Features and Benefits: Educational Value: Teaches children...
Parrot of Hossam teaches kids about mindful speaking and appropriate times for talking through a fun and engaging story. Features and Benefits: Educational Theme: Addresses the challenge of excessive chatter in...
The Very Short Stories Series features 6 engaging books for kids aged 5 to 8, designed to enhance critical thinking and teach valuable life lessons. Features and Benefits: Educational Value: Each...
Johnny the Ghanaian is a delightful children's book showing that true happiness comes from within. Shatha learns that joy isn't about material things but inner contentment. Features and Benefits: Inspiring...
Trace The Dots: Write & Erase English Letters is an engaging book for kids 3 and up, using tracing dots to make learning letter writing interactive and fun. Features and...
Trace The Dots - Write and Erase the Arabic Letters is a fun educational book for children aged 3 and up, teaching Arabic letters through tracing dots for interactive learning....
Trace The Dots - Write and Erase the Numbers is a fun educational book for kids aged 3 and up, teaching numbers in Arabic and English through tracing dots for...
Explore The Fun Coloring Notebooks Series, a set of six notebooks that blend enjoyable coloring activities with educational themes. Ideal for sparking creativity and expanding knowledge in children. Features and...
Scientific Experiments from the Refrigerator and Kitchen introduces kids to science with easy, fun experiments using everyday kitchen items. It's perfect for hands-on, engaging learning Features and Benefits: Real Science...